\( ̄ε  ̄")/ 要经得起时间的考验 Nobody does it like wrzpdy


GR社区ZH 1.05e补丁

Global changes

Armies always show up in loading screen for everyone.
This is mostly done to benefit China. Previously, China had no means to discover the army of the opponent in random games, which meant it either had to take a gamble and randomly choose a build order and hope for the best, or it had to use a generic one, but we all know how effective those are.

All tanks' rocket resistance increased.
Damage taken by rockets from 100% to 80%.

The tank units in Zero Hour died too easily to a rocket infantry/anti-air combo without doing much in return, they didn't move fast enough and cost too much. Garissoned rocket infantry were also a bitch to deal with. Basically, they sucked, with China having no decent substitutes, so this compensates.
Note that in 1.05c, the damage taken from rockets was cut back to 75%, which was a bit too much. Though arguably the weaker tanks such as Vanilla China Battlemasters, Crusaders and Nuclear Battlemasters could use this boost, Tank's elite Battlemasters as well as Overlords and Paladin Tanks were too hard to kill with rockets. We chose for the middle ground, the rocket resistance has still been boosted a fair bit and works out nicely.
绝命中的坦克遭遇火箭步兵 + 防空混编时将在能对对方造成有效伤害前就被消灭 - 坦克移动速度太慢,但是价格偏高。而驻扎建筑的火箭步兵更是麻烦。因此,坦克军团基本处于受虐地位,而坦克在中国军队中几乎是不可替代的,因此用此修改作为弥补。

All tanks' toxin resistance increased.
Damage taken by toxins from 25% to 15%.

In much the same way as versus rockets, tanks didn't fare too well versus toxins either. Especially China, a heavily tank-based army, had no true means of destroying Toxin Tunnels. Add GLA's superior camping ability and you have an impossible matchup. Not to mention Toxin Rebel Ambush destroying your entire army every four minutes.
同火箭一样,坦克并不能有效对付毒素。中国 - 一个严重依赖坦克的军队,没有能真正有效摧毁毒素地道网的办法,再加上全球解放军超强的龟缩能力,你根本没有办法应付。更不用说每4钟一次的毒素反抗军伏击能消灭你的整支部队。

All infantry toxin resistance increased.
Damage taken by toxins from 100% to 60%, for China Infantry from 60% to 40%.

For China Infantry in particular, but also for other factions, this slightly increases the viability of infantry versus Toxin Tunnels in particular, but also Attack Outposts versus TechRPG/Toxin Rebel combinations.
不光是对中国步兵将军有利,也是让其他派系的步兵在对付毒素地道网时效果得到增强,同时也让突击前哨站能对付冲锋车 + 火箭兵和毒素反抗军。

Global China changes

Propaganda Center hit points increased.
From 1000 HP to 1400 HP.

This building got destroyed by as little as two Terrorists or a level one A-10 strike. While China is arguably the faction that techs up fastest and easiest, it's also the faction that will die without a fight when it loses its tech building. This change makes it easier to keep the Propaganda Center.

Dragon Tank toxin resistance increased.
Damage taken by toxins from 25% to 10%.

Every ground unit China had got obliterated by that dreaded Toxin Tunnel. Even Dragon Tanks, who are the primary counter to regular Tunnels, didn't stand a chance versus Toxin's, which didn't make much sense.

China Dozer rocket resistance increased.
From 100% to 70%.

GLA TechRPG harassment often times meant the end for China, as it would lose its Dozers. With this added rocket resistance, China has more time to get their Dozer to safety. China really needs this because unlike USA, China doesn't have any fast units except for aircraft to catch those Technicals. USA has Humvees or can just put the Dozer in a Chinook for temporary protection. China can't.
全球解放军的冲锋车 + 火箭兵骚扰经常直接灭掉中国军队 - 中国很可能失去她所有的推土机。通过加强推土机的火箭抵抗力,中国玩家将有更多的时间来保存他的推土机。中国的确需要这个加强,因为同美国不同,中国除了空军外没有能追到冲锋车的部队。美国能用悍马或者用契努克直升机载走推土机。中国却不行。

China Dozers and Supply Trucks no longer drop scraps when destroyed.
Losing your Supply Trucks to one TechRPG is one thing, but to get an all-powerful double scrapped Technical in your base in the first few minutes of the game is something else. When Technicals have a harder time to scrap up they're not so life-threatening anymore.
在冲锋车 + 火箭兵面前损失补给卡车是一回事,但是在前几分钟一架获得二级残骸升级的冲锋车跑到你的家里则是另一回事。冲锋车前期将会很难残骸升级,因此不会再直接威胁到中国军队的存亡。

Subliminal Messaging upgrade price increased to $1500.
China players automatically selected this upgrade when they teched up because there's really no reason to not do it, it only cost $500 in 1.04. Now that tanks have been improved, this upgrade becomes exponentially better and could use a price increase. It's China's best upgrade after all and it helps balancing it out versus upgrades like Nationalism and Isotopes.
中国玩家通常是在完成科技建筑后习惯性的选择该升级,因为没有任何理由不用该升级 - 1.04中他只需要$500。由于现在坦克得到了增强,这个升级已经同时得到了强化,并且应该考虑他的价格了。这毕竟是中国最强的升级,并且这个改动也对平衡如国民主义和同位素稳定等其他升级有不小的帮助。

Nationalism upgrade price decreased to $1000.
Right next to that godly upgrade that is Sub Messaging, we have Nationalism, the one nobody ever even considers researching. But now, with improved tanks, China can actually make use of this upgrade assuming it has the money for it, hence this price decrease. Nationalism Tank Hunters and Battlemasters really pack a punch, it's a very useful upgrade.
正好在强大的潜意识信息升级的旁边,我们有国民主义升级 - 一个几乎没人想要研发的升级。但是现在,国民主义下的坦克猎人和战神坦克能对敌人造成很大伤害,这是一个非常有用的升级。

Internet Center hit points doubled and price decreased to $2000.
China's late game was pretty much non-existent. It either had to kill the opponent before the supplies ran dry, or die. With this change, Hackers can actually survive long enough to be worth training and China can hold its own in late game.

MiG reload time without Black Napalm upgrade halved.
From 8s to 4s.

MiGs didn't reload fast enough without the Black Napalm upgrade to be worth their money. And considering Black Napalm required quite a lot of time and money to get, MiGs could use this pre-upgrade boost.

MiG reload time with Black Napalm upgrade doubled.
From 2s to 4s.

They were not good enough pre-BN and too good post-BN. This change evens it out.

Nuclear Missile timer decreased to 5 minutes.
In 1.04, the least powerful superweapon required the most charge-up time. Together with the boosted Nuke upgrades, Nuclear Missiles are actually worth their money now.

Mines upgrade research time decreased to 15 seconds.
From 20s to 15s.
Mines are good, agreed, but their research time was simply too much. Now China has an easier time fending off TechTerror and TechRPG.

Inferno Cannon hit points doubled.
From 120 HP to 240.

To put it briefly: one Tomahawk missile levelled an Inferno. With double their HP, Inferno's can survive a hit and actually be cost-effective, coming in much needed aid when clearing mid versus GLA.

Nuclear Tank upgrade increasements equalled to Nuke's tanks.
Battlemaster speed increased from 34 to 45.
Overlord and Emperor speed increased from 30 to 40.

These upgrades simply weren't good enough. They were highly inaccessible, way too expensive and didn't do much even when you got them. With this change, Battlemaster and Overlord tanks equal Nuke's tanks when upgraded, making these upgrades useful.
这个升级并不吸引人。核子坦克很难被接受 - 花费太高,但是升级后还是追不上其他派系。有了这条改动,战神和炎黄将和核子将军的坦克速度一样,这样核子坦克升级才真正有用。

Vanilla China

Vanilla China has always been the worst faction in Zero Hour by far. Its ground units were so bad, most players didn't even try to rely on them and just made a lot of Helixes and MiGs. But unlike a lot of people say, Vanilla China is not the China Air Force general. It's not even a general to begin with, it should be the average of all China's.
So in order to do that, it's rather obvious that its pathetic ground force had to be boosted. Not its strength, mind you, you would touch the faction design there and it would overlap with Tank. Instead China should rely on a lot of weaker units. So we decreased their price and build time to a respectable level. Like Spalding said; the purpose is to flood the map with a lot of weak units, like China is intended to be.
Horde Bonus, Nationalism, it's all about numbers, not about a few aircraft.
But with that, its air force became too strong and had to be nerfed. Also keep in mind that this change was also very necessary for 2v2 because unlike in 1v1, China was rather insane with MiG-spam strats there. Though the BN-MiG reload time increase helps a lot here as well.

Listening Outpost price decreased to $700 and build time decreased.
From 15s to 12s.

Battlemaster Tank price decreased to $650 and build time decreased.
From 10s to 8s.

You've got to be kidding me if you think this unit is going to dominate all now. It's in fact rather useful in a handful of circumstances, but that's it. If you think this change will make Vanilla China look like a tank general you need to come again, because that's definitely not true.
As for them being more expensive than Tank's Battlemaster Tank: Infantry's Mini Gunners are more than twice as expensive as normal Red Guards as well. At the loading screen it does say that Tank has cheaper Tanks, which it does, just not cheaper than Vanilla China.
And if you honestly care more for a description than for balance, you shouldn't be playing this game, reading the manual will suffice for you then. We however do care about balance and won't refrain from applying changes like this. Try it out, I'm sure you will like the change.
对于他们比坦克将军的战神更加廉价:步兵将军的盖特机炮兵比红军步兵的两倍价格还高。在读盘界面上说坦克将军拥有更便宜的坦克是事实,不过不必普通中国便宜。如果你对游戏的描述比平衡更加关心的话,那你就不应该玩这个游戏 - 阅读游戏手册对你来说已经足够了。我们更加关心平衡并且不会因为接受这样的改动而抱怨。自己试试看,我肯定你会喜欢这条改动的。

Gattling Tank price decreased to $700 and build time decreased.
From 10s to 8s.

Vanilla China Gattling Tank / Tank Hunter combo is pretty awesome now, it actually does something!
普通中国的盖特坦克 + 坦克猎人现在已经非常可怕。这种战术将真正地有效。

MiG price increased to $1400.
Helix price increased to $1750.
They've become nice support units now, rather than the main units they never intended to be. It's not as if these price increasements suddenly make them not cost-effective, not at all, they just can't be spammed that easily anymore.

Hacker price decreased to $550.
Together with the Internet Center boosts, cheaper Hackers make for a worthwile secondary economy.

Nuclear Tank and Uranium Shells upgrades price decreased to $1500 for both.
Vanilla China's tanks are typically much worse than Tank's or Nuke's tanks, making a price decrease of these upgrades valid.


Battlemaster and Overlord Tank nuclear radiation radius increased.
From 12 to 25.

Nuke has always had a huge problem with rockets. It's already very hard to stop Toxin Gamma Buses from entering your base, but when they're finally bunkered, Nuke has to face masses of RPGs evacuated from those Buses, which were impossible to stop. With this increased radiation radius, Battlemaster Tanks can kill RPGs easier.

Gattling Tank price decreased to $700.
Nuke was complete trash versus Air Force, where its strengths were useless and where it needed these weak Gattling Tanks instead, which can very much use this price decrease.
Since Nuke's Battlemasters are much more multi-purpose, as in they also work very well versus infantry units, this unit didn't serve much purpose there so this change won't affect anything else. And even if it did, it would be for the better.

Isotope Stability upgrade price decreased to $1000.
Pretty useful on paper in a handful of circumstances, if only it would be affordable. Now it is.

Hacker price decreased to $550.
Together with the Internet Center boosts, cheaper Hackers make for a worthwile secondary economy.

Nuke Outpost bug fixed.
They can repeatedly fire at structures now.

Previously, unlike the Vanilla China and Infantry Outposts, Nuke and Tank Outposts could not fire at structures. You could target them and they would shoot once, and then stop and cloak themselves. I'm not sure if this was indeed a bug, it may have existed because EA didn't want Nuke and Tank to utilise Outposts for structure destruction purposes, but no matter what the reason was it wasn't a good one and it is hereby fixed.


Emperor Tanks now benefit from Subliminal Messaging upgrade.
Yes, it really was a bug. It wasn't removed because people feared Tank would dominate too much with Subliminal Messaging Emperors. Which in turn made for several impossible situations, mainly Tank versus Nuke: Tank lacked range on the Battlemasters to fend off Nuclear Overlord Tanks and Emperors weren't strong enough. Tank still struggles versus Nuke, but now with Subliminal Messaging, Emperors are somewhat useful versus Nuke as well as versus a plethora of other things. But just very useful, no more than that, they're definitely not overpowered by a long shot.
是的,这是的确是一个BUG。这没被修正是因为大家害怕坦克将军能因为潜意识信息帝王而过于强悍。这反而制造了许多不应该的状况 - 主要是在坦克对付核子时:坦克将军的战神坦克没有足够的射程来对付核子炎黄坦克,而帝王坦克又不够强悍。用坦克将军对付核子将军仍然是一门苦差事,但是现在获得了潜意识信息后,帝王坦克将能在对抗核子将军和一切其他的东西的时候更加有用。当然他只是非常有用,并没有更多的问题,他们并没有因为其长射程而过强。

Tank Hacker price decreased to $650.
Together with the Internet Center boosts, cheaper Hackers make for a worthwile secondary economy. However, Tank is supposed to be a very agressive faction and together with balance issues, Hacker prices have only been decreased to $650 for Tank.

Emperor Tank price increased to $2000.
Tank ECM Tank price increased to $900.
These changes slightly compensate for the huge boost Tank got with the Subliminal Messaging bug removal.

Emperor Tank promotion requirements increased.
From 0, 400, 600, 1200 to 0, 400, 800, 1400.

They already start as veteran and have to kill only a few units to become elite. This is already a very strong unit and you can imagine their strength when elite or heroic. With these increased promotion criteria, Emperor Tanks are balanced out.

Tank Outpost bug fixed.
They can repeatedly fire at structures now.

Previously, unlike the Vanilla China and Infantry Outposts, Tank and Nuke Outposts could not fire at structures. You could target them and they would shoot once, and then stop and cloak themselves. I'm not sure if this was indeed a bug, it may have existed because EA didn't want Tank and Nuke to utilise Outposts for structure destruction purposes, but no matter what the reason was it wasn't a good one and it is hereby fixed.


Inferno Cannon price decreased to $900.
Infantry had quite a few problems with GLA Tunnel Networks. It's basically because Infantry doesn't have units with more than paper-thin armour. Inferno Cannons were previously $1100 and died in one millisecond when touched, making them quite dangerous to use. With this change, Inferno Cannons become Infantry's weapon of choice versus a camping GLA. It works quite well, it forces GLA to go on the offensive which is always a nice thing.

Attack Outpost slots decreased to 6.
Attack Outpost price increased to $1100.
Where Infantry previously had problems destroying GLA Tunnels it now doesn't anymore because of better Inferno Cannons, Tunnels doing less damage and increased infantry toxin resistances. With that, Infantry becomes too strong, especially when going dual War Factory: Attack Outpost / Dragon combo is very hard to fend off as GLA. To add to that, China factions, especially Nuke, have immense problems with Infantry. Hence this price increase and slot decrease.
步兵在前版本中对抗全球解放军的地道网的麻烦已经通过加强地狱火加农炮,降低地道网的威力并且加强步兵毒素抵抗力得到了解决。如果再有廉价的前哨车,步兵将变得过分强大,尤其是在双重工的时候:全球解放军很强挡住突袭前哨车 + 火龙坦克混兵。其他还有中国系,尤其是核子将军,在对抗步兵时有不小的问题。因此前哨车价格增加并且运载量降低。

MiG price increased to $1400.
Assault Helix price increased to $1750.
Like Vanilla China: too strong an air force. Especially that Assault Helix, if there ever was a unit capable of doing obnoxious amounts of damage in a short amount of time it's this one. This price increase makes it slightly riskier to go fast Helix versus USA factions.

Super Hacker price decreased to $550.
Together with the Internet Center boosts, cheaper Hackers make for a worthwile secondary economy. Infantry still has a better economy than other China's because of cloaked veteran Hackers, but it's only logical because Infantry doesn't have units to soak up damage in late game. It nicely evens out.

Global GLA changes

Radar Scan upgrade moved to Palace.
Mainly designed for combating USAF's Comanche sting. Quad/Radar Scan combo work well enough to fend off those stealth Comanches and this change make the upgrade actually possible to research.

Worker Shoes upgrade research time increased.
From 10s to 25s.

GLA has quite an easy time taking mid supplies on Tournament Desert. Together with this upgrade, which increases both the income and the speed of income, GLA's economy sky-rocketed and became impossible to fend off. This upgrade is insane and now it requires some more time and effort to research.

Tunnel Network damage output decreased.
From 15 to 12.

Most units, most notably Dragon Tanks and Humvees, had a hard time destroying Tunnel Networks. It becomes almost impossible when said Tunnel is next to a garissoned building. This damage nerf enables Dragon Tanks to both clear the garissoned building and destroy the Tunnel. Of course GLA can pop out units, not as if the Tunnel would survive before when GLA wouldn't pop out units, but this change combats Tunnel/garisson camping combo viability.
大多数单位,尤其是火龙坦克和悍马,在对付地道网络时非常痛苦。在地道网络紧邻一个驻扎步兵的建筑时更是坚不可摧。这个伤害降低使得火龙坦克能有效地清理驻扎建筑和地道。当然全球解放军能释放部队,这不是让全球解放军不能在地道口爆炸前释放部队,但是这个改动能让对抗地道 + 驻扎建筑龟缩更加有效。

Angry Mob price increased to $1000 for all GLA's.
AK-47 upgrade moved to Black Market.
GLA mirrors are very interesting on paper, but in practice are quite boring, because they're usually entirely centered around Angry Mobs. Angry Mobs were rather cheap so you could just endlessly spam them and together with AK-47 they did insane amounts of damage. Not that the Mobs were imbalanced, considering both sides in a GLA mirror could get them, but they made GLA mirrors unnecessarily dull. Not to mention Toxin having yet another clear advantage: its Tunnels are much more capable of stopping Mobs.
全球解放军内战在理论上是非常有趣的,但是实际却非常无聊,因为他们通常都是只是围绕着暴民转圈。暴民是相当的廉价因此你可以无尽地大规模暴并且升级AK-47,他们能造成大量的伤害。不是暴民本身不平衡 - 想想在全球解放军内战中,双方都能制造他们,这使得全球解放军内战相当地机械。更不用提毒素将军能用另一个优势:他的地道网具有很强的阻挡暴民的功能。

Anthrax Beta upgrade moved to Black Market.
Anthrax Beta price decreased to $1500.
Anthrax Beta at $2500 is useless. It's actually a pretty decent upgrade, allowing Scorpion Tanks to be a decent counter to Angry Mobs, so this price decrease increases the viability of this upgrade. It's actually been moved to Black Market because Anthrax Gamma is too, and to be honest it doesn't matter a thing because when you want this upgrade you most likely have a Black Market up anyway.

Marauder Tank rate of fire decreased when scrapped up.
Single scrapped stays the same, double scrapped delay between shots from 750 to 1000.

A double-scrapped Marauder equalled a Nuclear propaganda Overlord, except for being thrice as cheap. They levelled entire bases in mere seconds, dominating absolutely everything. This is obviously needed.

Technical promotion requirements increased.
From 0, 50, 75, 150 to 0, 50, 150, 300.

Technicals are GLA's backbone, as a transport unit. They're fast, cheap and highly maneuvrable, but when they start doing high amounts of damage because they chev up too fast by killing Supply Trucks and the likes their purpose gets lost and they become too strong.

SCUD Storm timer increased to 6 minutes.
This superweapon is devastating. Its part of the GLA, who has supreme camping abilities, to make this building worthwile to get. It doesn't require power, it does about three times more damage than its counterparts and even had a lower charge-up time than the Nuke. We applied common sense and increased the charge-up time.

Terror Car speed decreased to walking Terrorist speed.
Moving or removing the Cars is map-modding and we didn't want to do that, but we had to figure out a way to make the Terror Cars obsolete since they ruined Zero Hour. So we lowered their speed down to an unusable level.

SCUD Storm bug exploit fixed.
No further explanation needed.

Vanilla GLA

Camouflage upgrade price decreased to $800.
I don't know if anyone has seen my topic in the Stealth forums about the stealth Rebel. I don't mean to advertise here, but this upgrade would actually be useful if it wouldn't cost so damn much. I can't imagine a lot of people researching this upgrade regardless of its price, but still, it's there and it's viable. Nobody will expect a VGLA player to get cloaked Rebels, so you've got the element of surprise. It sure is interesting.

Booby Trap upgrade price decreased to $500.
Yeah well, why not? Perhaps it might come in handy in one of the 1000 games you play!


With the removal of stinger tracking as well as delayed Gamma access, Toxin has been brought down to earth. You will find that its still noticeably easier to use than other GLAs simply because Toxin Tunnels usually manage their own perfectly well, but when you compare it to other GLAs as a whole, Toxin is much more beatable on all fronts than it previously was, which is only for the benefit of the balance of course.

Toxin RPG stinger-tracking ability removed.
Only makes sense. For those who want a deeper explanation: Gamma Buses were only really stopped in their tracks by air units, namely MiGs, Helixes and Raptors, because they were the only units able to catch them. But with this RPG stinger tracking ability, they always died. Yeah, right...

Toxin Terrorist power decreased to the same level of regular Terrorists.
It's Demo's unique ability. Toxin doesn't need it and shouldn't have it, hence why it doesn't have it anymore.

Demo Trap price decreased to $400 and build time decreased.
From 8s to 5s.

From useless to useful. True, they do less damage than other traps. But they however do explode immediately, making them rather useful.

Anthrax Gamma upgrade moved to Black Market.
Godly upgrade. Now takes more time and money to research, nerfing it slightly to give opponent factions more time to prepare against it. It's still quite strong though, as it should be since Toxin has a clear disadvantage compared to other GLAs because of its expensive $1100 Buggies.
超强的升级。现在需要更长的时间和更多的资金来研发,稍微削弱一下他以使其他派系能有更长时间来为对抗它做准备。这个升级需要保持他的强大,因为毒素将军相对于其他全球解放军已经要一个明显的弱点 - $1100的火箭跑车。


Technical price decreased to $500 and build time decreased.
Originally, this change was made in 1.04 because Demo Tech spam was unstoppable. Since then, Techs have been nerfed and nerfed, up to a point where this change doesn't make much sense anymore. So we changed it back to how it previously was. Yes, TerrorTech becomes stronger now, but this faction is called Demo for a reason.

Demo Trap price increased to $300.
Way too cost-effective. You could just spam them all over the place, it should at least require some thought to position them, which they do now.

Demolitions upgrade moved to Black Market.
Like with Anthrax Gamma, in the same way this upgrade was too strong at a point too early in game. So it's moved up to the Black Market, where opponents have more time to counter it.

Demolitions upgrade for Demo Bikes removed.
As in, they no longer explode when killed. Honestly, these units were the epitome of mindlessness. Just rally point them to the enemy base, there's nothing they could do about it. Now they can. Demo Bikes are still potentially as deadly as they were before, you just got to put some strategy into them to make sure they actually hit their target.

Demo Rebel Ambush number of Rebels decreased.
Amount of Rebels from 4, 8, 12 to 2, 4, 8.

An instant superweapon! It's still very useful, but it requires more general points investments to become really powerful, which only improves skill and balance.

Demolition Terrorists now explode when driven over.
They previously didn't, you could drive them over and they would just die without doing anything. This wasn't a bug, it was intentionally put in the game probably with the thought that these Terrorists would be too strong otherwise. Well since that is not the case and this is just an annoyance we equalled Demolition Terrorists to other Terrorists in this aspect.


Changed from straight-forward Quad/RPG spam faction to stealthy tactics. It does not only sound very interesting in theory, it also is very interesting in practice as we found out during the testing, with the boosted Hijacker and Saboteur as well as cloaked everything allowing for near unlimited possibilities. I hope to see some genuine Stealth players arising, wandering off the previous straight-forwardness Stealth suffered from and instead use sneaky hit and run tactics.
从直接暴四管机炮车 + 火箭兵的派系改为隐形战术派系。这并不止是在理论上十分有趣,从我们在测试中的发现,这实际上也非常有意思。由于劫车犯、渗透兵和其他隐形单位的加强,所有的东西都能让你有无限的战术可能。我希望看到一些专业的隐形玩家能崛起,让以前的直接正面作战的战术消失,取而代之的是偷袭式的游击战术。

Quad Cannon price increased to $750.
When does Stealth actually NEED its supercheap Quads? When it spams them. And when is that necessary?
- Versus USA it's welcome, but not necessary by a long shot, especially with $800 Tunnels. Stealth is already very good here and would remain so, it can do with a few less Quads.
- Versus Air Force. Yeah, it does need them. As does every other army and Stealth just happens to be the best versus Air Force by a long shot. Nerf Stealth a bit here and USAF is easier to balance in versus all the other armies without dying to Stealth.
- Versus China, especially Nuke, Quads aren't exactly game-winning units. They're useful, but not en masse. Stealth typically has much much less problems with Helixes because of Stealth Tunnels, making Quads less needed.
- Versus GLA, Quads aren't useful en masse either because of Scorpion Tanks and Toxin Tunnels.
- That leaves teamgames and we all know how fucking strong Stealth is with its Quads and Tunnels there, while still (seriously this is pretty sad) dying to early Dragon Tanks because it's powerless vs them at that point. The problem in teamgames however aren't the Stealth Tunnels but the Quads. The few Stealth Tunnels can do with a price of $900, but the millions of Quads(/RPG) coming in after are a problem, upping the cost of them a piece puts a dent in this, for the better.
- 对抗美国时,这很有效,但是并不必要,因为四关机炮的射程很长,并且隐形将军还有$800的地道网。隐形将军已经在对付美军上已经非常强大了,他能用较少的四管来对付美军。
- 对抗空军将军时。嗯,的确需要。但是不同于其他派系。隐形将军因为四管的长射程碰巧成为了反制空军最有效的派系。在这里稍微削弱隐形将军和空军将军将会让其他派系的平衡调整更加容易。
- 对抗中国,尤其是核子将军时,四管并不是一种能让你赢得游戏的兵种。他们很有用,但不是集群用。由于隐形地道网,隐形将军现在根本没有多大麻烦来对抗螺旋直升机,减少四管的数量是有必要的。
- 对抗全球解放军时,四管集群并不是很有效,因为对方有天蝎坦克和毒素地道网。
- 剩下组队游戏,但是我们都知道拥有强得混账的地道和四管机炮的隐形将军,虽然地道仍然(这的确让人伤心)会毁在早期的火龙坦克的手上,因为他们在那时候对火龙比较无力,然而组队游戏的问题不是地道,而是四管机炮。少量$900的隐形地道网还能对付,但是过会出现的大量的四管机炮(混上火箭兵)是个大问题。通过增加他们的价格来削弱他们是个好办法。

The bottomline is that Stealth wandered off its original design and became overpowered in every situation when it uses these $700 Quads while it doesn't really need it, whereas they grew underpowered in every situation where the Quads don't make much of an impact while Stealth actually needed something else that got nerfed in 1.05 (Tunnels, Hijackers).

Hijacker-availability moved to post-Arms Dealer and build time decreased.
From 15s to 10s.

They're post-Arms Dealer to combat Arms Dealer-less build orders and instant ownage by capturing a Dragon Tank or something. To compensate this, its training time is reduced. They don't take ages to train anymore, so they are still very useful.

Saboteur price decreased to $700 and build time decreased.
From 15s to 10s.

The Saboteur fits perfectly in stealth tactics. Like with the Hijacker, its training time was its only problem, they're viable now. Awesome when used well.

Global USA changes

The biggest change for all USA's is the nerf of their godly unit the Humvee. They no longer get repaired by Ambulances and have to resport to Battle Drones for their healing purposes. Which makes elastic attacks much less useful, which is a good thing as they were vastly overpowered in 1.04. Since USA can't go all out harassing with Rockvees anymore since Gattling Tanks and Quad Cannons can catch them now, both China and GLA have more time to tech up, Buggies and Overlord/ECM combo's totally annihilate them, USA can no longer rely on solely Rockvees during any stage of the game. They're more of a support unit now, with tanks / EMPs / aircraft doing the main work. All USAs will be much more interesting.
对所有美国派系最大的改动就是削弱了他们的变态单位 - 悍马车。他们不再能被救护车修理并且需要依靠战斗无人机来进行生命回复。这将让跑打战术不再像以前一样有用。由于他们在1.04中过于强大,这将是一个非常好的改动。美国不再能仅凭火箭悍马车就到处骚扰了,因为盖特坦克和四管机炮现在能搞定他们了,这样中国和全球解放军都能有更多的时间来攀科技,而火箭跑车和炎黄 + 电子干扰能轻松地消灭他们。美国将不再能只依靠悍马就能搞定任何一场游戏了。他们现在更像一个支援兵种了,而坦克/电磁震荡爱国者/空军将成为主力部队。所有美国派系将变得更加有趣。

Supply Drop Zone bug exploit fixed.
Not a widely used exploit, but still an exploit and needs to be fixed, which is hereby done.

Patriot missiles and TOW-missiles require two PDL-zaps to nullify. Does not affect Avengers and ECMs.
Laserlock missiles require three PDL-zaps to nullify. Does not affect Avengers and ECMs.
These two changes nerf USAF versus other USA's in particular. Laserlock, TOWvees and EMP Patriots are all actually useful versus Air Force now.
The laserlocking requiring 3 PDL-zaps is for balancing out dropfests. USAF never has more than 2 Chinooks gathering at one Supply Dock, so they will never be able to zap a laserlock-missile, essentially nullifying the PDL in this situation. The PDL is not completely removed because Air Force needs it versus GLA early on to protect his Chinooks and Comanches.

TOW-missile damage output versus ground units halved.
Too strong, especially versus Stealth and Vanilla China, who had nothing to soak up the damage. Also makes Tunnel-popping RPG's viable.

Pathfinder damage output decreased.
From 1 shot to kill everything to 4 shots to kill a hero, 2 to kill rocket infantry and 3 to kill regular infantry.

When USA reached level 3 before, infantry units became obsolete. They all died in one shot by Pathfinders, including hero units. Pathfinders were obviously too strong, this balances them out.

Composite Armor research time decreased.
From 60s to 45s.

Took way too long to research before, which was just annoying. Composite Armor is a good upgrade, especially versus China to combat Overlord/ECM combo. Now it's easier to access.

Vanilla Raptor price decreased to $1200.
Vanilla Raptor reload time decreased.
From 8s to 4s.

Vanilla Raptor build time decreased.
From 20s to 15s.

The Raptor is a very specialised unit, useful in a handful of circumstances if it wouldn't be so expensive. With this price, reload and build time decrease, USA can actually go fast airfield versus GLA to fend off Tech harassment, which is nice.

Comanche resistance to Quad/Gattling damage output increased, including USAF.
Damage taken by both Quad and Gattling from 120% to 100%.

Their armour was just too thin. USAF's could flee when cloaked, but regular ones don't. They're more expensive to top it off. To make them useful, this change is necessary.

Comanche promotion requirements increased, including USAF.
From 50, 50, 100, 200 to 50, 100, 200, 400.

Heroic Comanches did too much damage, didn't die and even healed themselves. This compensates.

Stealth Fighter price decreased to $1400, except for USAF.
Yes. This unit was way overpriced and cost a general point to top it off. They're actually useful, namely versus Buggies because Quads can hardly kill them but also versus Tunnels in conjunction with other units, Aurora's for example, to kill the entire content of the Network.

Flashbang upgrade price decreased to $600 and research time decreased.
From 30s to 20s.

USA needs this to counter especially Troop Crawlers, but also Quad/RPG, Gat/TH, garissons and other infantry units, now that Humvees don't get healed by Ambulances anymore.
美国需要这个升级来对付运兵车以及四管 + 火箭兵和盖特 + 坦克猎人,以及驻扎建筑和其他士兵,而现在悍马也不再能通过救护车治疗了。

Sentry Drone price decreased to $800 for all USA's.
Sentry Drone Gun upgrade price decreased to $500.
Sentry Drone stealth detection range increased.
From 225 to 270.

These changes seem pointless. Well, perhaps the Sentry Drone Gun is rather pointless, but that's not the point. The point is that with the removal of the Ambulance healing, USA has trouble destroying Stealth Tunnels because it can't see them. Sentry Drones come to the rescue with their improved abilities. The range is increased so that Sentry Drones outrange Tunnels in terms of detection. As you may know, Sentry Drones cloak themselves when not moving, making them perfect and necessary versus Stealth, but also handy versus Black Lotus and Jarmen Kell.

Battle Drone healing rate and healing priority increased.
Priority increased from 60% to 80%.

Ambulances don't heal vehicles anymore and price decreased to $500 for all USA's.
These two changes change Humvees from overpowered to useful. Together with Ambulances, Humvees were rather impossible to kill, not to mention no-econ strats dominating China completely. Battle Drones are boosted to partially take over the previous Ambulance functions, but can be shot down and cost more than Ambulances as a whole, so Humvees are stoppable and balanced. Ambulance have hereby gained a price decrease, so they're still useful to heal infantry and to run over enemy infantry, namely RPG Troopers and Tank Hunters.

Vanilla USA

Composite Armor effects on the Paladin Tank increased.
From 20% to 40%, equal to Crusader Tank.

Paladin Tanks are good, but do cost a gen point and so shouldn't be made useless in late game when Crusaders benefit from Composite Armour twice as much.

Paladin Tank PDL increased slightly.
Delay between shots from 1000 to 850.

One RPG or TH shouldnt damage it despite zapping the rocket, and this helps vs clearing Tunnels next to garissons.

Avenger price decreased to $1750 and zapping abilities slightly increased.
Avengers die pretty fast, don't move all that fast and are expensive. In short, they're pretty hard to use, but should pay off when used correctly. This price decrease makes them more useful, especially now that USA lost its Ambulance healing it can use all the help versus Buggies, Tank Hunters and MiGs it can get.


Laser Crusaders don't go offline with low power.
A huge and stupid weakness of Laser. Having your entire army shut down when GLA TechTerrors your power is retarded, it made the Laser Tanks rather useless. Which is now fixed.

Laser Patriot build time increased.
From 25s to 30s.

Helps counter Patriot drop as China, because one Troop Crawler isn't enough to kill a Laser Turret.


Even though SWG is still quite hard to use, we changed her faction from an inferior Rockvee spamming faction to a mixing/camping one, utilising EMPs, Rockvees, Raptors, Comanches, Sentry Drones, Microwaves, Missile Defenders and Flashbang Rangers all in tandem to fend off the enemy until she techs. And when she techs, she can still survive on less supplies due to cheaper Supply Drop Zones, keeping the faction design intact and rocking!

Cold Fusion Reactor price decreased to $800.
Cold Fusion Reactor power output increased to 6.
Allows for EMP build orders which were otherwise stupidly unavailable.
Humvee price decreased to $800.
Alexis has no tanks or aircraft to defend herself early game, Humvees are really all she has early game, and they've been drastically nerfed too. She needs this change.

Alpha Aurora FAB blast radius decreased.
Radius from 70 to 50.

This thing is mighty powerful, and even was in the hands of a skillless newbie. It should require some aiming, losing all your anti-air units to one of these without actually killing it is stupid. To add to that, this promotes SWG camping with EMPs and Particles rather than Vee/Aurora spamming.
They're still very useful though, but when you find yourself not killing all seven Quads that are coming towards your base but instead only killing two or three and losing your Aurora to the remaining ones, you will find out that you perhaps have to put a little more effort into using this unit.

Avenger price decreased to $1750.
Avengers die pretty fast, don't move all that fast and are expensive. In short, they're pretty hard to use, but should pay off when used correctly. This price decrease makes them more useful, especially now that USA lost its Ambulance healing, it can use all the help versus Buggies, Tank Hunters and MiGs it can get.

Comanche price decreased to $1300.
Alexis typically doesn't have a lot of units. Comanches are fast and maneuvrable, making for excellent flanking-counters and Tech harassment-counters together with the Raptor boosts, so their price has been decreased for added viability in early game. Yes, you can actually go fast Airfield and do something with it now, since SWG has EMPs to fend off Quad Cannons.

Microwave Tank-availability moved to pre-tech.
Everything SWG has is expensive, so she has a lot of trouble fending off GLA early game, especially on the clearing-flanks department. Microwaves clear garissons and disable Tunnel Networks so that her Humvees, Raptors or Comanches can finish them off.

Supply Drop Zone price decreased to $1750.
This looks very awkward, but should make a lot of sense at the same time. Superweapon is designed to camp, indeed. But when it does camp, the opponent gets the entire map and outresources her up to a point where she can't fend off the masses of units coming in. This change compensates for the disability of getting mapcontrol and promotes faction design.

Spectre Gunship equalled to other USAs.
Level one and two removed, level three equalled to other USAs and available at level 5.

The Spectre is an insane general point. Too strong at a point in game that is level 3, and level 5 Spectre was out of this world, being too rock solid to shoot down and flying circles above a base for ages taking down everything, so level 1 and 2 are removed and level 3 Spectre is equalled to other USA's Spectre ability to even it out.
鬼魅机炮艇是一个非常疯狂的技能。所为一个3级技能的鬼魅机炮艇太过强悍,而5级技能的机炮艇简直是毁天灭地 - 他厚实的装甲让人很难击落他,而他却能长时间地在基地中盘旋并击毁基地中的一切。因此1级和2级鬼魅机炮艇被去掉了,3级直接改为其他美军派系的技能以平衡。

Air Force

It looks like Malcolm "God" Granger had to give up his deity status. He is no longer untouchable and quite possibly struggles a bit in certain matchups. Not something Granger can't handle, but you will find that you will have to put in serious effort now. In teamgames he didn't suffer much of a hit as in 1v1, but other USAs will be quite potent at handling him now with the balanced dropfests and improved TOW Missiles versus PDL. All in all I think Granger will fit in with the other factions better now.

King Raptor PDL decreased.
From 2 PDL to 1 PDL, just like other USAF aircraft.

They were impossible to kill with rockets, which is basically the only thing USA has against them. On top of that, King Raptors PDL'ed everything and their mother in 2v2 games.

Air Force Comanche price increased to $1300.
With the Stealth-Quad price-increase to $750, I think Comanches will dominate too much. Besides, Toxin and Demolition have $750 Quads too and not really anything else to compensate for this compared to the 1.04 Stealth who was rather on par with Air Force there. Vanilla GLA does have $700 Quads, but no additional exceptionalities versus Air Force. So here finally is a good chance to nerf these Comanches versus other armies without making them underpowered versus Stealth. Yeah!
Comanches aren't really favourable versus China anyway no matter at which price because of the huge stealth-detection range of the Outposts and superior anti air of the Gattling Tank.
In 2v2 however, this change is very welcome. Comanche sting is way too lethal with an ally to defend USAF's base.

Countermeasure upgrade equalled to other USA's.
The previous situation was that Air Force's Comaches used different armour sets for both the default settings and for the Countermeasure upgrade. Basically, their armour was bigger than normal Comanches, but they gained less of an increasement with the Countermeasure upgrade, making it less cost-effective for USAF. Since Comanches were already insanely powerful, we equalled both these settings to the regular Comanches.

Air Force Comanche armour equalled to regular Comanches.
Much like King Raptors but even worse: indestructable units that kill everything and have no counters. At least now they're not so indestructable anymore.

Carpet Bomb moved to level 3.
Spectre Gunship equalled to other USAs.
Level one and two removed, level three equalled to other USAs and available at level 5.

The Spectre is an insane general point. Too strong at a point in game that is level 3, and level 5 Spectre was out of this world, being too rock solid to shoot down and flying circles above a base for ages taking down everything, so level 1 and 2 are removed and level 3 Spectre is equalled to other USA's Spectre ability to even it out.
Same with the Bomber: level 1 Bomber, what were they thinking? Then imagine USAF got it for free in 1.02...
鬼魅机炮艇是一个非常疯狂的技能。所为一个3级技能的鬼魅机炮艇太过强悍,而5级技能的机炮艇简直是毁天灭地 - 他厚实的装甲让人很难击落他,而他却能长时间地在基地中盘旋并击毁基地中的一切。因此1级和2级鬼魅机炮艇被去掉了,3级直接改为其他美军派系的技能以平衡。
