\( ̄ε  ̄")/ 要经得起时间的考验 Nobody does it like wrzpdy


Quake Movies Collection Project !!!!

Quake Movies Collection Project !!!!
The following movies will be added in my hardisk , or burned in DVD in the future ,movies that marked a star(*) means i have had it,also some commentary
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------== Chinese quakers' movie ==
CDTU movie ((*), you can find these guys on bbs.q3acn.com)
== Frag Highlights ==
AnnihilatioNCPMA Done by Vo0 ((*), OMG what a fucking air-rocket by Vo0!!)
Fight 4 The Flag
Forever 2 (*)
Get Quaked
Get Quaked 2
Happy fraggin 4
Haste (*)
Haste2 (*)
lof RA3 fnu
Lyon Connection
Morituri Te Salutant
p0wned2Project Extreme PM (*)
Q3 PiE
Quake3Arena Forever
Quake III Fuel
The Badge series(badge,badge2.0,badge3.0) ((*) but badge1.0)
Winter Haste 2
== Defrag&Tricks ==
2ex series ( 2ex the movie1,2,3
CeTuS-The Movie
Cetus The Movie 2 ((*), a Lithuanian jumping monster
Deception ((*) , a Russian quaker/programmer jumps with his fantastic bots
iT DeFrag ((*), a group of jumping monsters , include a Chinese -- 1981
Live To Fly
Spirit of the 2eX
The Art Of Tricking
The Art of Tricking II
The Final n00b 2
The Next Level
Trickemall 2
Tricking iT
Tricking iT2 ((*), The tricks you've never seen
== Others ==
Quake 1,2,3 done quick ((*) only 3
Desire quake2 the movie
QCon02 LeXeR vs cha0tic Ownage Movie
Ukraine-Roman Verenbo vs China-Yong meng
